Melhores empresas de anuidade de agosto de 2022
Apesar do fato de que as anuidades podem ser rastreadas até a Roma Antiga, elas não receberam o mesmo nível de respeito que outras inovações daquela época. Quero dizer, quando foi a última vez que você criticou o conceito de aquedutos, livros encadernados, jornais ou rodovias? E, no entanto, há anos as pessoas proclamam que as anuidades são muito complexas, caras e irreverentes.
Para ser justo, há pouca verdade nessas avaliações. Afinal, como existem vários tipos diferentes de anuidades, pode ser esmagador se você estiver pensando em comprar uma. No entanto, você realmente só precisa se concentrar nos seguintes tipos;
- Anuidades fixas garantem o principal, bem como uma taxa mínima de juros. Eles são previsíveis e podem fornecer uma renda vitalícia.
- Anuidades variáveis também podem garantir uma renda para o resto de sua vida. Mas o valor da conta e os pagamentos dependerão do desempenho de uma carteira de investimentos separada, que pode flutuar diariamente.
- Anuidades indexadas a ações contêm recursos de anuidades fixas e variáveis. Como resultado, você obterá um retorno base ao jogar o índice de ações.
Além disso, você pode decidir se deseja que sua anuidade seja imediata ou diferida. Uma anuidade imediata é quando você pega uma quantia de dinheiro e a converte em uma série de pagamentos que começam a ser pagos imediatamente. Com uma anuidade diferida, você deixa seus ativos acumularem até mais tarde.
Mesmo que isso ainda seja muito para digerir, apenas saiba disso. Uma anuidade é um contrato de seguro. Ele também contém um investimento subjacente. E, em troca de um pagamento único ou uma série de pagamentos ao longo dos anos, você receberá um fluxo de renda garantido.
Embora uma anuidade não deva substituir seu 401(k), ela deve fazer parte do seu plano de aposentadoria. Novamente, uma anuidade garante que você nunca ficará sem dinheiro enquanto viver – anuidades também não são garantidas pelo FDIC. Por isso, você precisa ter certeza de que está trabalhando com uma empresa que promete cumprir este contrato.
De um modo geral, você quer que a empresa de anuidades seja financeiramente forte e seja altamente avaliada por agências como AM Best, Moody's e Standard &Poor's. E, dependendo de sua situação financeira e plano exatos, você também deseja considerar o pagamento anual e os passageiros opcionais que a empresa oferece, como benefícios mínimos garantidos de subsistência, benefícios mínimos garantidos por morte e cuidados de longo prazo.
Metodologia sendo uma empresa de anuidade de topo
Identificamos seis ingredientes principais que nos permitem entender qual é a melhor anuidade que funciona para você. Nem todas as empresas de anuidades são criadas iguais e nem todas as empresas de anuidades são adequadas para todos. Alguns são melhores para pessoas prestes a se aposentar, enquanto outros são melhores para millennials.
Aqui está a metodologia e os dados que usamos para analisar cada empresa de anuidades:
- Quão fácil é o processo de inscrição
- Quão fácil é o processo de financiamento
- Opções móveis para gerenciar anuidade
- Conhecimento e gentileza no atendimento ao cliente
- Facilidade de saque
- Problemas resolvidos rapidamente
Dividimos cada empresa de anuidade no que deve funcionar para você nesta fase de sua vida. Esperamos que goste da lista.
Melhores anuidades
Jackson National Life
Allianz Life of North America
American Equity
Brighthouse Financial
American National
CUNA Mutual Group
Athene Annuity &Life
Global Atlantic
Great American Insurance
John Hancock Annuities
Lincoln Financial Group
Midland National Life
New York Life
Northwestern Mutual
Symetra Life
Pacific Life
Protective Life
Prudential Annuities
Vida Transamérica
Aplique agora
Anuidade geral simples, sem taxas ocultas, crescimento anual de 3%
Planejamento de aposentadoria simples e direto para a pessoa média. Você terá um retorno garantido de 3% para saber exatamente quanto serão seus pagamentos mensais de anuidade.
Aplicativo da Apple, Google Play 5/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 0
Taxa anual
$ 120
Taxa de anuidade
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
Devido não só simplificou as anuidades, a empresa aparentemente fez o impossível; fez anuidades acessíveis a todos. Leva apenas alguns minutos para configurar sua conta. E você ganhará 3% garantidos em cada dólar depositado sem os truques e truques.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da empresa devidos
- Fundada pelo empresário em série e especialista em anuidades John Rampton
- Em média, os usuários do Due recebem US$ 2.100 por mês em renda de aposentadoria.
- A Due oferece dois planos de anuidade. O primeiro é um plano gratuito onde os usuários recebem 1% em cada depósito em seu plano Due. O segundo é um plano profissional em que os usuários ganham 3% em cada depósito, mas são cobrados US$ 10/mês para gerenciar esse plano.
Aplique agora
Taxa de crescimento de receita que os clientes adoram
Você pode abrir uma anuidade a partir dos 50 anos para ajudar a garantir sua futura renda de aposentadoria. A AIG oferece uma ampla gama de soluções de aposentadoria, incluindo anuidades fixas, variáveis e indexadas.
Assuntos do Consumidor 3,8/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 5.000 - $ 25.000
Taxa anual
$ 0 (anuidade), $ 50 (variável)
Taxa de anuidade
Varia por tipo de anuidade e índices
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
A AIG é uma empresa premiada com uma longa e rica história. Na verdade, a empresa é uma das empresas de anuidades mais bem avaliadas do mercado e oferece vários tipos de anuidades aos seus clientes.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da empresa AIG
- Fundada em 1919 por Cornelius Vander Starr
- Oferece serviços financeiros para clientes em mais de 80 países
- Ganhou o prêmio de Melhor Seguro de Vida Individual do Cover Excellence Awards
- Um dos principais vendedores de anuidades. No terceiro trimestre de 2020, a AIG vendeu as anuidades mais variáveis com US$ 4.334.963 em vendas.
Vida Nacional de Jackson
Aplique agora
Incríveis passageiros de anuidade para clientes
Jackson é conhecido por ser transparente. Sua anuidade é projetada para investidores de longo prazo com um prazo de sete ou mais anos. A versão de Jackson do benefício do passageiro de renda normalmente recebe uma garantia de bônus anual de 7%
BBB 1/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 5.000 - $ 25.000
Taxa anual
$ 0 (fixo indexado, imediato), $ 35-$ 50 (variável)
Taxa de anuidade
Varia de acordo com o tipo e os índices de anuidade
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
Jackson National Life é um líder de anuidade confiável que oferece diferentes tipos de anuidade para alinhar com seus planos de aposentadoria exclusivos.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da Jackson National Life Company
- Fundada em 1961 em Jackson, Michigan
- Foi o maior vendedor de anuidades em 2019
- Tem reclamações de clientes abaixo da média, de acordo com a Associação Nacional de Comissários de Seguros (NAIC)
- É considerado financeiramente forte e recebeu uma classificação A (Excelente) da AM Best
Allianz Life of North America
Aplique agora
Anuidade variável de índice acima de todas as outras
Um dos fatores únicos que amamos na Allianz é a capacidade que você tem de escolher o fundo de índice em que investirá. A maioria dos provedores de anuidade não permite isso. A Allianz tem um prêmio inicial mínimo de $ 10.000.
Advogado do Consumidor 4/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 10.000 - $ 20.000
Taxa anual
$ 0. A anuidade variável Allianz Index Advantage cobra uma taxa anual de produto de 1,25% + taxa de opção variável de 0,64% a 0,72%
Taxa de anuidade
1,10% (Anuidade Allianz 222)
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
Se você tiver problemas para confiar nas empresas de anuidade, a Allianz é uma das empresas mais bem avaliadas. Ele está entre os 25% superiores das classificações da Standard and Poor's (S&P), Moody's e A.M. Melhor
Prós e contras
Detalhes da empresa Allianz Life
- Fundada em 1869
- No terceiro trimestre de 2020, a empresa vendida tinha US$ 2.997.578 em links de índice registrados
Aplique agora
Diferimento fácil de impostos com anuidade Fidelity
É uma das maiores gestoras de ativos do mundo conhecida por uma excelente seleção de fundos mútuos de baixo custo, bem como serviços de corretagem. Divide suas seis anuidades em três classes:aposentadoria, proteção patrimonial e geração de renda.
NerdWallet 5/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
US$ 0 - US$ 10.000
Taxa anual
Varia de acordo com o tipo de anuidade
Taxa de anuidade
Varia de acordo com o tipo de anuidade e o valor investido
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
A empresa tem taxas comparativamente baixas e uma ampla seleção de fundos que você pode escolher ao construir sua carteira de aposentadoria.
Prós e contras
Fidelity Detalhes da empresa
- Fundada em 1946
- Força financeira A++ (superior) da A.M. Melhor
American Equity
Aplique agora
Os clientes elogiam o atendimento ao cliente
A American Equity pretende tornar-se o principal seguro em termos de poupança de aposentadoria e produtos de renda. A empresa vende vários produtos de anuidade fixa, indexada fixa e imediata.
Assuntos do Consumidor 2.4/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 5.000 - $ 10.000
Taxa anual
$ 0
Taxa de anuidade
1% - 5% dependendo dos termos do contrato
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
De acordo com a American Equity, a empresa “não tem grandes estádios com o logotipo da American Equity, e não compram publicidade televisiva cara ou têm um mascote engraçado. O que eles têm que os coloca à frente da concorrência é um compromisso com práticas de investimento conservadoras que mantêm seu dinheiro seguro e um atendimento ao cliente que não pode ser superado”.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da American Equity Company
- Fundada em 1995
- Tem US$ 53 bilhões em ativos de segurados sob gestão (AUM) no segundo trimestre de 2020
- Em boa saúde financeira e recebeu avaliações fortes da A.M. Best and Standard &Poor's (S&P)
Brighthouse Financeiro
Aplique agora
Boas taxas de juros compostos nos anos iniciais
Oferece uma seleção de anuidades muito variada, incluindo anuidades de renda variável, renda, prêmio único diferida fixa e renda diferida fixa.
Investopedia 3.2/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 2.500 - $ 25.000
Taxa anual
$ 0 (taxa anual de $ 30 para anuidade variável)
Taxa de anuidade
Varia de acordo com o tipo de anuidade e o valor investido
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
A empresa tem taxas comparativamente baixas e uma ampla seleção de fundos que você pode escolher ao construir sua carteira de aposentadoria.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da Brighthouse Financial Company
- Fundada em 2016
- Está em condições financeiras sólidas de acordo com A.M. Best, Moody's, Fitch e S&P
- Afiliado à MetLife
- Com a confiança de mais de 2 milhões de clientes e com 2,5 milhões de contratos de anuidade e apólices de seguro de vida
Nacional americano
Aplique agora
Taxas de saque de anuidade flexíveis para melhores impostos flexibilidade
A empresa oferece três tipos de anuidade; fixo diferido, prêmio único imediato e índice diferido. O que separa a American National são os prêmios iniciais mínimos incrivelmente baixos.
Clearsurance 3,8/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
US$ 0 - US$ 5.000
Taxa anual
$ 0 (taxa anual de $ 30 para anuidade variável)
Taxa de anuidade
Varia de acordo com o tipo de anuidade e o Índice da Associação Nacional de Comissários de Seguros (NAIC)
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
Além dos vários produtos de anuidades oferecidos e do baixo prêmio inicial mínimo, a American National oferece um aumento de 5% na taxa de juros para o primeiro ano na maioria de suas anuidades.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da empresa nacional americana
- Fundada em 1905
- Baseado em seu A.M. Melhor classificação, a empresa é financeiramente forte
- Incluído na lista da Forbes das empresas financeiras mais confiáveis
Grupo Mútuo CUNA
Aplique agora
Permite que você bloqueie sua taxa de anuidade
A CUNA tem uma base financeira sólida e oferece uma combinação atraente de produtos de anuidade, incluindo renda fixa, renda imediata, renda futura, controle de risco e anuidades variáveis.
BBB 3/5
Prêmio inicial mínimo
$ 5.000 - $ 25.000
Taxa anual
$ 0 (1,50% para variável)
Taxa de anuidade
Não inferior a 1%, não superior a 3%
SOU. Melhor classificação
Por que escolhemos
Quaisquer que sejam seus planos de aposentadoria, a CUNA tem uma opção de anuidade para você. Em particular, vale a pena considerar as anuidades de controle de risco da empresa, pois garantem limites de perdas. E, se combinado com o potencial de crescimento vinculado ao mercado, você pode personalizar sua proteção contra riscos.
Prós e contras
Detalhes da empresa do CUNA Mutual Group
- Fundada em 1935
- Perspectiva financeira estável de A.M. Best, Moody's e S&P
- Em 2020, a CUNA tinha US$ 28,5 bilhões em ativos
Anuidade e Vida Athene
Aplique agora
Six-year term above all others
Athene Annuity offers an assortment of immediate, fixed, and guaranteed annuities for individual clients. The company also offers group annuities for company pension plans.
WalletHub 2.8/5
Minimum Initial Premium
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The multiple annuity plans allow users to generate a fixed-income savings strategy or a reliable income stream in retirement. A stand out feature, however, is the group annuity plans for pension plans.
Pros &Cons
Athene Annuity &Life Company Details
- Founded in 2009
- As of Match 2021, Athene has over $200 billion in total assets
- According to LIMRA, was the the 10th highest seller of annuities in the U.S. in 2020
- Has an A (Excellent) rating from AM Best
- Athene Annuity does not sell annuity products directly, but through independent agents
Global Atlantic
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Great annuity for beneficiaries
Global Atlantic offers 7 different annuity products that are either fixed, income, or fixed index
NerdWallet 2.5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$0 - $10,000
Annual Fee
Varies on the annuity type
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Besides the competitive rates and locked-in growth opportunities, the company offers a number of riders. One example is the ability to double or triple your qualified LTC expenses if you’ve purchased either its ForeCare and SecureFore annuities.
Pros &Cons
Global Atlantic Company Details
- Founded in 2004 at Goldman Sachs; separated as an independent, privately held company in 2013
- Acquired by KKR and has over $234 billion in assets under management
- Maintains high financial ratings from A.M., Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P
Great American Insurance
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A.M. Best Rated
Offers fixed, fixed-indexed, immediate, and registered index-linked annuities. There’s also a group plan.
WalletHub 2.5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,000 - $100,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The company offers both qualified and non-qualified annuities. It also aims to simplify annuities by offering annuity products that are easy to understand.
Pros &Cons
Great American Insurance Company Details
- Founded in 1872
- Annuity businesses were sold to MassMutual on May 28, 2021
- Has been rated A or higher by A.M. Best for more than 35 consecutive years
Apply Now
No limit to index performance
Depending on your specific goals, Nationwide offers variable, fixed indexed, immediate, or fixed annuities. When you select the right annuity for you, you’ll be able to achieve goals like growth opportunities, principal protections, or spousal protection.
NerdWallet 4/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$0 - $25,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
While there are an array of annuity products, flexibility is the main selling point. For example, you can decide if you want to receive a lump sum payment or a series of recurring payments
Pros &Cons
Nationwide Company Details
- Founded in 1926
- Has over $27 billion in assets
- Sterling reviews from A.M. Best, S&P, and Moody’s
John Hancock Annuities
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Annuity for groups
The company bills itself as the nation’s number one provider of 401(k) products and focuses on variable annuities to bolster retirement savings. There are also two fixed options available, as well as a group annuity contract.
Consumer Affairs 3.7/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$0 - $25,000
Annual Fee
Varies on the annuity type and indexes
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The company has earned a stellar reputation for paying claims, financial strength, and a variety of annuity types.
Pros &Cons
John Hancock Annuities Company Details
- Founded in 1862
- Acquired by Manulife Financial in 2003
- Has earned an A+ from A.M. Best and an AA- from both S&P Global Rating and Fitch
Apply Now
Highly rated variable annuity plan
The company offers a fixed deferred, variable, and single premium immediate fixed annuity at a low minimum cost to invest.
NerdWallet 5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
Annual Fee
$0 ($40 for variable annuities)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
MassMutual has over 160 years of experience with insurance and financial services. It’s also one of the most highly rated and ethical annuity companies to work with.
Pros &Cons
MassMutual Company Details
- Founded in 1851
- In 2020, had over $6.2 billion in life insurance and annuity benefits
- Ranked 7th in Best Life Insurance Companies by U.S. News
Lincoln Financial Group
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Set interest rates for a year, 5-year, 7-year or 10-year surrender charge schedule
Variedade. The company provides 7 different fixed indexed annuities, a fixed immediate, fixed deferred, and 5 variable annuities.
NerdWallet 4/5
Minimum Initial Premium
Annual Fee
$0 ($35 annual fee for variable)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Since 1967, Lincoln Financial Group has been selling annuities. In addition to that experience, the company offers a wide-range of annuity options to best fit your financial goals.
Pros &Cons
Lincoln Financial Group Company Details
- Founded in 1905
- Founding member of the Alliance for a lifetime income
- Included in Forbes’ list of the best life insurance companies (June 2021)
- Strong ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P
Midland National Life
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Multi-year guarantee annuity
The company has a financially secure base offering a fixed indexed annuity, multi-year guarantee annuity, and single premium immediate annuity.
Investopedia 4.7/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,000 - $25,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Midland National Life puts trust front and center. It displays financial ratings on its site and has an annuity myth busting page. And, unlike other entries, it remains privately held.
Pros &Cons
Midland National Life Company Details
- Founded in 1906
- A+ from A.M. Best, S&P, Fitch, and the BBB
- Has helped over 1 million customers
- 40,000 agents and agencies across the country
New York Life
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Best income annuities provider in America since 2006 by LIMRA
New York Life doesn’t have as many annuity types as its competitors. But, it’s conservative investment philosophy is intended for long-term investors.
NerdWallet 4.5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$5,000 - $50,000
Annual Fee
$0 ($30 annual contract fee for variable)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The company limits itself to fixed deferred and variable annuities so that you can find the right balance of growth and security.
Pros &Cons
New York Life Company Details
- Founded in 1845
- LIMRA has best named the company as one of the best income annuities provider in America annually since 2006
- Has earned the highest financial strength ratings from A.M. Best, Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s
Northwestern Mutual
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Never missed an annuity payment in 160 years
The company boasts that it’s never missed a payment and has been financially strong consistently throughout the years.
NerdWallet 5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$0 - $10,000
Annual Fee
$0 ($30 annual fee for a variable annuity)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Northwestern Mutual limits itself to only a handful of annuities, mainly fixed and variable. However, it banks on its consistency and financially standing.
Pros &Cons
Northwestern Mutual Company Details
- Founded in 1857
- Is among NerdWallet’s Best Life Insurance Companies for 2021
- Extremely strong financially rating from A.M. Best and S&P
Symetra Life
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$10,000 upfront with no annual contract fees
For those looking to save for retirement or secure a guaranteed lifetime income, Symetra Life offers a variety of annuities including fixed deferred, fixed indexed, variable deferred, and income.
WalletHub 3.3/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,000 - $25,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Symetra isn’t new to the annuity game. The company has been issuing annuities since 1987 and is recognized as a Top 3 seller of both fixed deferred and fixed indexed annuities via banks.
Pros &Cons
Symetra Life Company Details
- Founded in 1957
- Joined Sumitomo Life, a global life insurer, in 2016
- Has exceeded $35 billion in assets
- Has contributed to nearly 900 charitable organizations
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$10,000 upfront with no annual contract fees
The company offers a range of fixed and fixed indexed annuities to guarantee a steady retirement income that’s protected from market volatility.
Retirement Living 4.5/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,000 - $25,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
Unlike other annuity companies, OneAmerica emphasizes both a guaranteed lifetime income and potential long-term expenses.
Pros &Cons
OneAmerica Company Details
- Founded in 1877
- Is a mutual enterprise, meaning no shareholders
- Among top-rated U.S. life insurance groups
Pacific Life
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Formed by former Governor of California
It may appear the Pacific Life only sells fixed and variable annuities. While the company offers six different types of fixed annuity products, as well as four variable annuities.
Consumer Advocate 4.6/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,000 - $25,000
Annual Fee
$0 ($50 annual contract fee for a variable annuity)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The company has over 150 years of financial strength and stability, as well as a range of fixed and variable annuities to best suit your specific retirement needs.
Pros &Cons
Pacific Life Company Details
- Founded in 1868
- $191 billion in assets
- $3 billion benefits paid in 2020
- Financially strong, according to A.M., Fitch, Moody’s, and S&P
Protective Life
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Top-selling registered-index-linked annuity companies since 1907
Variation of annuity products including fixed deferred, variable, and SPIA.
Investopedia 3.8/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,00 - $50,000
Annual Fee
$0 ($50 annual maintenance fee for a variable annuity)
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
All of the annuity products offered by this top-selling registered-index-linked and financially robust company provide tax-deferred growth and an optional death benefit rider.
Pros &Cons
Protective Life Company Details
- Founded in 1907
- Has assets of $127 billion
- Established the Protective Life Foundation to support education and healthy development of at-risk youth
Prudential Annuities
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0.95 Annual rider fee
Prudential is the second largest insurance company in the country — based on net premiums written. It’s also included in the Fortune 500 and has made retirement its central business by offering a varied selection of fixed, variable, and fixed indexed annuities.
Nerdwallet 3.8/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$10,00 - $50,000
Annual Fee
$ 0
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and indexes
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
With the assortment of annuities presented, you’re bound to find a product that will satisfy your retirement needs. More importantly, as one of the top sellers for both variable and index-linked sales, you can rest assured that Prudential will be with you for the long haul.
Pros &Cons
Prudential Annuities Company Details
- Founded in 1875
- Has assets amounting to over $1.4 trillion
- Every year since 2003 the company has received a 100% rating on the Corporate Equality Index by the Human Rights Campaign
Transamerica Life
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Variable annuity with a low $1,0000 minimum initial premium
The company primarily focuses on variable annuities. While there is some risk involved with this type, the robust selection from TransAmerica life promises a lifetime income, protection, and tax deferral.
Nerdwallet 3/5
Minimum Initial Premium
$ 1.000
Annual Fee
Up to $50 annual service charge
Annuity Rate
Varies on annuity type and amount invested
A.M. Best Rating
Why We Picked It
The company has a 100-year proven track record when it comes to helping its customers secure a successful financial future. And, there’s a dedicated page to track the performance of your annuity.
Pros &Cons
Transamerica Life Company Details
- Founded in 1928
- Part of the Aegon Group
- “A-” (excellent) rating by Better Business Bureau (BBB)“A” (excellent) rating by A.M. Best
Best Annuity Companies for August 2022
Now that you understand the criteria and have seen the list, we’ve put together a fairly detailed list of some of the best. While we would love to review every company, we’ve put together a list of ones that we love. All up to date as of August 2022. Also, to help simplify this process so that you can take advantage of an annuity, here are 25 of the best annuity companies, that should be worth your consideration.

Best overall annuity company
When it comes to annuities, Due has been the company above others that has quickly become a market leader. Founded by entrepreneur serial and annuity expert John Rampton. So far, the company has already gained more than 12,000 registered users who are earning a guaranteed 3% return. On average, users are receiving $2,100 per month in retirement income.
But what makes Due the nation’s top retirement and annuity app is its accessibility. Due was designed to give the average person a fair shake at a guaranteed income. That’s why Due is straightforward with its offering, which again is a 3% return. There’s also a handy annuity calculator that can help you determine how much you need to save each month to reach your retirement goals.
Furthermore, you can apply for free. Also, it only takes a couple of minutes to get your account rolling. And, if you’re willing about the risk involved, just know that your money will be placed into a Charles Schwab account. From there, it’s managed by two of the top investment firms in the nation:Blackstone (NYSE:BX), and ATHOS Private Wealth. Both of which have a stellar reputation.
Overall, if you’re looking for a no-frills and transparent annuity, then Due might just be your best bet. It’s stellar reputation and quest for the satisfaction of the customer is the reason we named it the best annuity company.

AIG Companies
Highest rated annuity company
Founded in 1919 by Cornelius Vander Starr, American International Group is a multinational finance and insurance corporation. Today, AIG operates in more than 80 countries and jurisdictions.
As for annuities, the company offers index, variable, and fixed. Each of which can be purchased with a lump sum or stream of payments. Also, you can decide on the payment frequency by choosing either lifetime payments, a guaranteed fixed period, or survivorship payments.
Besides having a long and rich history of providing individuals with asset protection and a guaranteed income, AIG has earned respectable ratings, such as;
- A.M. Best Company (Best’s Ratings):A+
- Moody’s (Financial Strength):A2
- Standard &Poor’s (Financial Strength:A+
- Fitch Ratings (Financial Strength):A+
What does that all mean. Simply put, AIG is in good and stable condition. And, according to the Better Business Bureau, they’ve done an outstanding job in resolving customer complaints.
No wonder AIG was one of the leading annuity sellers in 2020. In fact, in the third quarter of 2020, AIG landed in the number one spot of sellers after having $4,334,963 in variable annuities alone.

Jackson National Life
Trusted Leader in Annuities
Founded in 1961 in Jackson, Michigan, Jackson is a subsidiary of the British insurer, Prudential plc. However, don’t confuse this company with Prudential Financial as they are two separate entities.
Jackson offers multiple fixed, variable, and fixed index annuities. And, to prove that they’re a trusted industry leader they put transparency front and center. Anyone can access their performance center, which is powered by Morningstar, to see data for each of their variable annuity products.
What’s more, Jackson has a long history of financial know-how and award-winning service. In fact, Jackson National Life Insurance has received an A (Excellent) rating from AM Best, which verifies its financial strength. In other words, you can sleep more easily knowing that Jackson is in a good financial position to pay out their guaranteed annuity contracts.
Additionally, there are several different ways to contact Jackson via phone, fax, mail, or email. Or, you can just access their extensive FAQs page. And, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), Jackson is far below the average complaints for a company its size.

Allianz Life of North America
Best annuity provider for wide range of annuity options
Initially, the company began as North American Casualty by Henry Little of Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1896. But, after merging with the North American Life Association North American Life and Casualty (NALAC). In 1979, the company was acquired by the German conglomerate Allianz.
Allianz is now one of the world’s largest integrated financial services organizations in the world. It offers asset management, life, health, and property-casualty insurance, and banking operations. And, yes, the company provides two annuities; a fixed index and index variable.
In particular, the Allianz 222 Annuity deserves a shout-out. It’s kind of like the Swiss Army knife of annuities in that it does a little bit of everything. Most notably, it offers principal protection from market loss, potential indexed interest, and the potential for tax-deferred growth. And, you can also receive income increases in two different ways.
The company also had $2,997,578 in registered index links in quarter three of 2021. And, most importantly, Allianz Life is a very strong insurance company with an A+ AM Best Rating. It also has the following ratings;
- Moody’s (21 rankings):A1 (5)
- Comdex (percentile of all rated companies):94
- Standard &Poor’s (20 Possible Ratings):AA (3)

Best annuity customer service
Established in 1946, Fidelity is one of the largest asset managers in the world. And, if you want to save for retirement, then you might want to consider one of the following annuity products offered by Fidelity;
- Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity requires a $5,000 minimum investment and has three different investment options.
- New York Life Premier Variable Annuity–P Series with Investment Preservation Rider–P Series requires a $25,000 minimum investment, but returns might outpace inflation.
- Deferred fixed annuities have a $10,000 minimum and a fixed interest rate for the first 3 to 10 years.
- Deferred income annuities only have a $5,000 minimum, but you can add additional payments.
- New York Life Clear Income Fixed Annuity–FP Series1 requires a hefty $50,000 minimum. However, this offers a fixed rate for the first 7 years and an annual 5% increase on guaranteed lifetime income during the first 10 years.
- Immediate fixed income annuities have a $10,000 minimum, but you can add a plus one and cost of living adjustment.
It’s this variety of annuity options that sets Fidelity apart. But, it also provides 24/7 live help and has an A++ (Superior) from A.M. Best for financial strength.

American Equity
Best immediate annuity option
A relative newcomer, the company was founded in 1995, American Equity specializes in retirement annuities. Specifically, the company offers a traditional fixed annuity and fixed-index annuity. Both of these plans include an immediate option that will payout within 12 months.
While the company does not disclose rates online, it proudly states that it’s a leader in the fixed indexed annuities marketplace. But, what could be appealing is that American Equity offers an annual, penalty-free withdrawal. And, you can expect a decent return in the 2% to 5% range.
Online reviews for American Equity state the company has outstanding customer services. And, as far as financial strength, it has earned an A- (Excellent) from A.M. Melhor.

Brighthouse Financial
Best newcomer to annuity market
Despite being founded only in 2016, Brighthouse Financial has already become one of the largest providers of annuities and life insurance in the U.S — maybe because of its affiliation with MetLife. For example, in just four years, Brighthouse sold $1,258,324 in traditional variable annuities and $2,981,171 in registered-index linked annuities in the third quarter of 2020 alone.
As you might have surmised, Brighthouse offers an index-level annuity called Shield Level Annuities and Variable Annuities with FlexChoice Access. Both products do not include annual fees and are deferred. Moreover, a minimum initial premium of $25,000 is expected as well.
The company also has earned an A rating from A.M. Best and Fitch, as well as an A+ from Standard &Poor’s and A3 from Moody’s. Collectively, that means Brighthouse is financially stable and strong.

American National
No minimum annuity premium
In 1905, Galveston businessman William Lewis Moody Jr. founded American National. Fast forward to today and the company now operates in all 50 states. It also provides a wide range of insurance products and services. This includes life insurance, annuities, health insurance, property and casualty insurance, credit insurance, and pension plan services.
When it comes to annuities, you’ll find the following at American National;
- A fixed deferred annuity that offers a guaranteed and fixed rate of return and grows tax-deferred. There are also optional rider benefits riders and flexible withdrawal options.
- A single premium immediate annuity that allows you to convert a lump sum of money into a predictable income stream.
- An index deferred annuity that will protect your principal while allowing you to participate in the market.
Unlike most other annuity companies, American National does not request a high minimum initial premium. In fact, the company’s fixed annuity and fixed deferred annuity do not require a minimum at all. But, $2,000 is needed for both its multi-year guarantee annuity and flexible premium deferred annuity.
American National also has an A rating from both A.M. Melhor.

CUNA Mutual Group
Best rated fixed annuity product
When the company was founded back in 1935 “CUNA” in the company’s name originally stood for “Credit Union National Association.” But, that doesn’t matter today as this mutual insurance company provides financial services to credit unions, cooperatives, and their members. CUNA also has retirement plans for small business owners and credit union members.
As for annuities, CUNA offers both group annuities and a popular fixed annuity that’s deferred. There are no annual contact fees associated with the fixed annuity. But, there is a 1.50% contract fee and fund expense ratio with the variable annuity. Furthermore, minimum initial premiums range from $5,000 to $25,000.
A.M. Best rated CUAN “A,” Standard &Poor’s (S&P) rated it “A+” and Moody’s gave it “A2.” That means the financial future is looking bright for CUNA.

Athene Annuity &Life
Market leader in annuities
It took a lot of courage for James Belardi, former President of SunAmerica Life Insurance Company and now CEO of Athene Holding Ltd., and Chip Gillis, former head of Bear Stearns’ Insurance Solutions Group to launch Athene Holding Ltd. in 2009. Why? Because this was during a financial crisis.
But, the company has not only thrived but it’s also considered a market leader. Perhaps this is because Athene offers the following individual annuities;
- Fixed indexed annuities (FIA)
- Multi-year guarantee annuities (MYGA)
- Registered index-linked annuities (RILA)
- Single premium annuities (SPIA)
All individuals annuities require a $10,000 minimum initial premium. And, it also has a good report card after getting the following financial ratings;
- A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings):A (3)
- Fitch Ratings (21 possible):A (6)
- Standard &Poor’s (20 possible ratings):A (6)
In addition to individual annuities, the company also offers group annuities — which not many annuity companies provide. This works by having a company’s pension plan purchase a group annuity. Athene will then guarantee that individuals included in the plan will receive guaranteed income payments.

Global Atlantic
Founded in 2004, Global Atlantic offers a variety of retirement, life, and reinsurance products. And depending on your retirement plan and financial situation, you can choose between a fixed, fixed index, variable, or income annuity.
The company promises competitive rates and locked-in growth opportunities. But, a key feature that shouldn’t be overlooked is that these are ideal if you’re concerned about long-term care (LTC). Thanks to its ForeCare and SecureFore, you can double or even triple your qualified LTC expenses.
And, despite the fact that the company isn’t as old as its counterparts, Global Atlantic has received positive rankings. It earned an A from A.M. Best, Fitch, and Moody’s, along with an A- from Standard &Poor’s for financial strength.

Great American Insurance Group
Don’t be fooled by the fact that the Great American Insurance Group offers property and casualty insurance for pretty much any business you can imagine. The company also provides personal annuities. These include the following products;
- Index Protector 7. A fixed indexed annuity with no annual fees, but there are rider chargers. A $10,000 minimum initial premium is required.
- American Landmark 5 is another fixed indexed annuity that includes five indexed strategies. There are no annual fees and a $10,000 minimum initial premium is required.
- Index Summit 6 is an index-linked annuity that requires a $25,000 minimum initial premium. It offers a balance of growth and protection.
However, the company does also offer an immediate annuity option, as well as a group annuity. As for ratings, Great American’s financial strength has received solid ratings overall A.M. Best has given the company an “A+,” Standard and Poor’s (S&P) an “A+” and Moody’s with an“A2”. These ratings respectively equate to “Superior,” “Strong” and “Good.”

Believe it or not, Nationwide began as Farm Bureau Mutual in 1926. The company provided auto insurance to farmers to better reflect their driving habits. Since then, Nationwide has become a Fortune 500 company that offers insurance, retirement, and investment products like annuities.
Depending on your specific goals, you can choose between;
- The Soloist. A variable annuity with a $30 annual contract fee and 1.30% combined administrative and mortality and expense risk fee. But, you don’t have to meet a minimum initial premium.
- Nationwide Peak 5 is is a single-purchase-payment deferred fixed indexed annuity with a $25,000 minimum initial premium
- Nationwide Quatro Select Annuity is a fixed annuity with no contract fees and a $2,000 minimum initial premium requirement.
- INCOME Promise Select is an immediate annuity with no annual contract fees and could be Medicaid eligible. There’s also a cost-of-living adjustment, as well as a $10,000 minimum.
What makes Nationwide’s annuities stand out is that they’re flexible. You can either invest a lump sum or over a period of time and receive payments either immediately or at a later date. And, they’ve also received very high financial ratings. A.M. Best rated it an A+ (Superior), Standard &Poor’s (S&P) A+ (Extremely Strong), and Moody’s gave it an A1 (Upper-Medium Grade).

John Hancock Annuities
Dating back to 1862, John Hancock is one of the highest-rated companies for financial strength and claims-paying abilities. In fact, John Hancock has earned an A+ from A.M. Best, and an AA- from S&P Global Rating and Fitch — all of which is proudly displayed on its website.
In addition to being forthright on their financial performance and strength, John Hancock also offers a wide range of annuities products including two different types of variable annuities. One is qualified and the other is non-qualified. The difference comes down to taxes. With an unqualified option, taxes aren’t paid until you being receiving payments.
John Hancock also offers traditional fixed annuities. However, one of the company’s more popular offerings is the group annuity contract that employers can purchase for their employees.

The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, MassMutual for short, goes all the way back to 1851. Today, the company is one of the largest United States corporations by total revenue and offers a wide range of financial products. These include life insurance, disability income insurance, long-term care insurance, retirement/401(k) plan services, and last but certainly not least annuities.
MassMutual offers the following annuities;
- Stable Voyage is a fixed deferred annuity with no annual contract fees. You will $10,000 to get started.
- Capital Vantage B-Share also requires a $10,000 minimum initial premium. It’s a variable annuity asking for a $40 annual contract fee, as well as additional administrative, expense risk, and rider fees.
- Transitions Select II is another variable annuity offering with a required $10,000 premium. It also has it’s fair shares of fees like a $40 annual contract maintenance fee.
- RetireEase doesn’t ask for an annual contract fee. But, you’ll need $10,000 if you want to invest in this single premium immediate fixed annuity.
Moreover, between their long and robust history and being named one of the most ethical companies in the world, you can rest assured that your investment is safe with MassMutual. No wonder the company delivered $6.2 billion in life insurance and annuity benefits in 2020 alone.
When it comes to rankings, Fitch gave it at an AA+ (the second-highest of 21 grades), A.M. Best lists it at an A++ (the highest category of 15), Moody’s ranks it at an Aa3 (fourth-highest of 21), and Standard &Poor’s ranks it at an AA+ (second-highest of 21).

Lincoln Financial Group
Founded in 1905, the Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation. The company is divided into four different segments; annuities, life insurance, retirement plan services, and group protection. In regards to annuities, Lincoln offers;
- The Lincoln MYGuarantee Plus is a fixed annuity with no annual contract fees and a $10,000 minimum premium upfront.
- Lincoln New Directions is a fixed indexed annuity with no annual contract fees and a $10,000 minimum initial premium.
- Lincoln Insured Income is an immediate annuity that also doesn’t require annual contract fees. But, there is a $10,000 minimum initial premium.
- Lincoln Investor Advantage is a variable annuity with that 10K needed upfront. There are numerous fees, such as a $35 annual fee.
- Lincoln OptiBlend is a fixed indexed annuity with no annual contract fees. But, as expected, you’ll $10,000, to begin with.
The company is also a member of the Alliance for a lifetime income. Which, according to Lincoln means that they’re “committed to helping you approach retirement with certainty and simplicity.” And, in Q3 of 2020, they were a top-five seller of traditional annuities with $3,970,544 in sales.
In terms of ratings, A.M Best gave it an A+, AA- from S&P, A1 from Moody’s, and A+ from Fitch.

Midland National Life
Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, Midland National Life is another insurance leader. The company focuses mainly on life insurance policies and the following annuity types;
- MNL IncomeVantage Pro. A fixed annuity index (FIA) requiring a $10,000 minimum initial premium, but not annual contract fees.
- MNL RetireVantage is another fixed annuity index with no annual fee. There is a $20,000 minimum initial premium.
- Guarantee Ultimate is a multi-year guarantee annuity (MYGA) with no annual fee and $10,000 upfront.
- Direct Income is a single premium immediate annuity (SPIA) that has no annual fee. But, you’ll need $25,000 to get started.
Across the board, from A.M. Best, S&P Global, Fitch, and the Better Business Bureau, Midland has received an A+ rating. Respectively, these grades rank as “superior,” “strong” and “stable. And, they also paid over $ $470 million in annuity benefits just in 2019.

New York Life
The largest mutual life insurance company in the United States was founded in 1845. And, it’s frequently been the recipient of the best possible ratings by the four independent rating companies; A.M. Best, Fitch, Moody’s, and S&P. Currently, New York Life holds A++, AAA, Aaa, and AA+ grades from these firms, respectively.
Also, the company has been rated as the best income annuities provider in America every year since 2006 by the Life Insurance and Market Research Association (LIMRA). And, as if that weren’t enough, New York Life received the highest score among individual annuity providers in customer service by J.D. Power.
The products that the company offers include;
- New York Life Premier Variable Annuity – FP Series is a variable annuity with a $5,000 minimum initial premium. There are fees to aware of though, such as the $30 annual contract fee.
- Clear Income Fixed Annuity – FP Series is a fixed deferred annuity with a $50,000 minimum initial premium. There aren’t annual contract fees, however,
- Secure Term Choice Fixed Annuity II is a fixed deferred annuity with a reasonable $5,000 minimum initial premium and no annual contract fees.
- Secure Term MVA Fixed Annuity II is another fixed deferred annuity with a reasonable $5,000 minimum initial premium. There isn’t an annual contract fee, but since you can add riders expect those various fees.
- Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuity II is an immediate income annuity. You’ll need $10,000 upfront and there’s no annual charge.

Northwestern Mutual
Based in Milwaukee, and dating back to 1857, Northwestern Mutual is an insurance company that just so happens to be the second-largest deferred-income annuity provider in the U.S. Their main selling point is that they’ve “weathered 160 years, two world wars, the Great Depression, and the Great Recession without ever missing a payment (or even coming close).”
And, Northwestern Mutual also proudly states that they’ve “consistently maintained the highest available financial strength ratings from the industry’s third-party rating agencies.” In fact, they have an extremely strong AA+ S&P rating.
Some of the best annuities offered by Northwestern Mutual include;
- Select Fixed Annuity is a fixed annuity with a $10,000 minimum initial premium and no annual fees.
- Select Variable Annuity (Account B) is a variable annuity. Expect the front-loaded contract to contain a 4.50% max sales charge, annual contract fee, and expense risk fee. If back-loaded, you’ll also have an annual and expense fee. There’s also $10,000 to get started.
- Select Immediate Annuity is an immediate annuity that doesn’t require a minimum initial premium. And, there’s no annual contract fee.

Symetra Life
Founded in 1957 and headquartered in Bellevue, WA Symetra Life is a life insurance and annuity company. To help you retire with confidence, the company offers a fixed deferred annuity, fixed indexed annuity, index-linked annuity, and income annuity.
- Symetra Edge Plus is a fixed indexed annuity requiring $10,000 upfront, but no annual contract fees.
- Symetra Trek is its index-linked annuity. There are no annual contract fees, but a $25,0000 minimum initial premium.
- Symetra Custom 5 is a fixed deferred annuity with no annual contract fees and a minimum initial premium of $25,000.
- Advantage Income is a single-premium immediate annuity. You’ll need 10K upfront and there are no annual fees.
Despite the variety, Symetra is a top-selling index-linked company with $136,794 in sales during the third quarter of 2020. And, it’s also known for paying more than the guaranteed minimum. That means with a Symetra Life contract, such as its Income Edge product, you’ll have one of the best potential annual income options.
Symetra also has solid financial strength ratings. A.M. Best rated the company an “A” (3rd highest of 16 grades), S&P gave it an “A” (6th highest of 21 grades), and Moody’s rated Symetra an “A1” (5th highest of 21 grades).

OneAmerica began as a life insurance group in 1877 by the Knights of Pythias but became American Central Life Insurance Company in 1899. As OneAmerica, the company offers individual life, disability, and long-term care insurance, and annuities. And, it’s managed to preserve “superior” financial ratings from A.M.Best, who rated it “A+” and S&P gave the company an “AA-”
OneAmerica’s wheelhouse is offering annuities that will not only provide a guaranteed lifetime income but also ones that address long-term care. That’s because the company offers an SPIA, with $10,000 upfront, known as OneAmerica Annuity Care II that lets you add value for care.
There’s also a fixed indexed annuity, One America Indexed Annuity Care, that also helps you plan for LTC. There is, however, a $50,000 minimum initial premium. And, its immediate annuity, One America Legacy Care will help you cover LTC expenses.

Pacific Life
Founded in 1868 by former California Governor, Leland Stanford, Pacific Life Insurance Company is another insurance company providing life insurance products, pension plans, annuities, and mutual funds. As for annuities, here are the products that the company sells;
- Pacific Choice, a variable annuity with a $10,000 minimum initial premium. There’s also a 0.25% administrative fee and a $30 annual contract fee.
- The Pacific Index Foundation is a fixed indexed annuity with no annual fees and a $25,000 minimum initial premium
- Pacific Income Provider is its SPIA with no annual fees and $25,000 buy-in.
- Pacific Secure Income is a fixed deferred annuity with no annual fees and a $15,000 minimum initial premium.
In Q3 of 2020, Pacific Life was ninth in traditional variable annuity sales with $2,716,030. And, Pacific Life has received the following high ratings; A+ (Superior) from A.M. Best, AA- from both Fitch and S&P, and Moody gave it a good A1.

Protective Life
Established in 1907 in Alabama, this financial service holding company now markets its products in all 50 states. The company, however, mainly focuses on life insurance and annuities. In particular, Protective Life has fixed, indexed, and variable annuities. There’s also an immediate annuity option.
- Protective ProSaver Platinum Plus is a fixed deferred annuity with a $10,000 minimum initial premium and no annual contract fees.
- The Protective Secure Saver is its fixed deferred annuity with $10,000 upfront and no front-end or annual fees.
- Protective Indexed Annuity II is a fixed indexed annuity that requires $10,000 to get started. But, there isn’t an annual contract fee.
- Protective Dimensions Annuity IV is a variable annuity with a $50 annual maintenance. You might also expect additional fees, such as variable operating expenses. And, as with its other annuities, a 10 grand minimum initial premium is needed.
- Protective ProPayer Income Annuity is an SPIA option with no annual fees. A $50,000 is required.
While Protective Life may not be a household name, when compared to the likes of Fidelity or Nationwide, it’s still one of the top-selling registered-index-linked companies. And, it has an A+ rating from A.M. Best, AA- from S&P, A1 from Moody’s, and A+ from Fitch.

Prudential Annuities
We alluded to Prudential earlier. And, it’s not the same company that owns Jackson National Life. Rather, this is the American Fortune 500 company located in Newark, NJ. It’s also the largest insurance company in the U.S. with total assets amounting to over an astounding $1.45 trillion.
As far as annuities go, Prudential offers the following flexible annuities in order to meet your unique retirement goals.
- PruSecure Fixed Indexed Annuity has no annual contract fees but requires a $10,000 minimum initial premium.
- Prudential Fixed Annuity with Daily Advantage Income Benefit also doesn’t come with annual contract fees. There is a 0.95 annual rider fee. And, you’ll need $25,000 to get started.
- Prudential Premier Investment Variable Annuity B Series requires a $10,000 upfront. There’s also investment operating and death benefit fees. And, expect an annual fee that’s lesser than $50 or 2% of your account value.
The company is also one of the top sellers for both variable and index-linked sales. And, it’s also strong ratings from A.M Best (A+), Fitch (AA-), Moody’s (Aa3), and Standard &Poor’s ( AA-).

Transamerica Life
You’re probably familiar with the famous Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco. But, the company is actually headquartered in Baltimore, MD after being acquired by the Netherlands-based insurer Aegon. Despite this, the company has been around since 1928.
With the Transamerica Advisory Annuity , you can make the most of your investment because it’s tax-deferred and has lower costs — the company states it’s 70% lower than the average annuity. The company also offers;
- Transamerica Inspire Variable Annuity with a low $1,000 minimum initial premium. There are, however, fees associated with this variable annuity including up to $50 annual service charge. There’s also expense risk and administrative charges.
- Transamerica Variable Annuity Series B-Share with a $1,000 minimum initial premium and similar fees as above.
- The Transamerica Variable Annuity Series C-Share is also similar to the above.
- Transamerica Variable Annuity I-Share also has the same minimum initial premium and fees.
And, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your annuity is issued by a highly-rated insurer since it falls within the top quarter of the A.M. Best, Moody’s, S&P Global, and Fitch scoring structures.
Top Annuity Companies Frequently Asked Questions
What is a breakdown of how you selected each annuity company?
- How easy is signup process
A retirement app shouldn’t take hours to signup and get started. Instead, it should offer the fewest clicks and scrolls possible as well as simple navigation and clean interface. - How easy is the funding process
A top annuity company should make it as simple as possible to deposit money into your annuity account. We’ve worked with companies where you have to sign up forty plus documents and signup with three additional companies. That’s not a streamlined funding process. - Mobile options to manage annuity
Does your annuity provider make it easy to manage your money and see exactly where you’re at with your money at all times. Your money should be easily accessible at all times, via your mobile phone. - Customer service knowledge and kindness
Ever had a problem that you needed fixed. We evaluate their customer service and how well they handle a few difficult decisions. You don’t want your money tied up and a customer service agent holding up your annuity money so you can’t access it. - Cash-out ease
No one likes not getting their money. Can you easily cash out your money? If you can’t do this and get your money quickly (in a pinch) we have a problem. Not one person on this list will hold up your money. - Issues resolved quickly
You WILL run into issues at some point with your money. Changing bank accounts, death in the family, loss of a job. Does your annuity provider make it easy to resolve problems without any issues? They should.
What is the best age to buy an annuity?
The best age to buy an annuity really depends on you. Generally, the best age to purchase an annuity is 45 – 55 years old. This allows you enough time build up enough cash to build enough money to actually make a difference in your retirement life.
What is the highest yielding annuity?
A top rated fixed annuity rate as of this month is 2.6% for a 3-year annuity, 3% for a 5-year annuity. 3.5% for a 7-year annuity. Something to make sure to check before you purchase is the fees associated with the annuity. We have seen some annuities as high as 7.25% for a 15-year fixed annuity but the fees associated with the annuity put this lower than 2% actualized return.
Can you buy an annuity at any age?
Sim. Technically you can purchase an annuity for a child though most people tend to purchase annuities starting in their mid to late thirties. Most insurance companies cap annuities at 95 years old. The average first time buyer for an annuity is 50 years of age.
Can you lose money in an annuity?
Yes, with a variable annuity. If the market or investments go down, your annuity return will go down. Variable annuities also tend to have higher fees. With that being said, you can also make the most amount of money with a variable annuity. We aren’t the biggest fans. Before you invest in a variable annuity, make sure you do your research and know what fees are involved before you start.
What is the safest type of annuity?
Fixed annuities are the safes type of annuity as they are fixed rates of returns and fixed term lengths. Everything is very clear from the start. Most fixed annuities have smaller fees and you should know what you are getting into before you start.
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