Melhores cartões de crédito cashback 2022
Compare os melhores cartões de crédito de cashback dos editores do Money Under 30's. Receba $ 300 ou mais em bônus de inscrição em dinheiro de volta e ganhe até 5% em dinheiro de volta em compras.
Ninguém diria não a um pouco de dinheiro extra para gastar, que é uma das razões pelas quais os cartões de crédito com reembolso são tão populares.
Oferecendo aos consumidores pontos de reembolso ou benefícios em compras específicas, os cartões de reembolso são frequentemente o primeiro cartão a sair da carteira quando a conta chega. Esses cartões são ainda mais atraentes porque oferecem aos titulares de cartões recompensas em dinheiro de volta sobre o dinheiro que estão gastando de qualquer maneira. Então, você está recebendo bônus grátis toda vez que desliza o dedo.
Muito bom para ser verdade? Na verdade, existem tantos cartões de crédito que oferecem recompensas em dinheiro que você pode aproveitar.
Fizemos a pesquisa para você; aqui estão os cinco principais cartões de crédito com reembolso no mercado no momento, com base em métricas como APR, taxas anuais, crédito necessário, estrutura de recompensas, bônus de inscrição e muito mais.
Inscreva-se agora No site seguro
O Chase Freedom Flex SM oferece um atraente bônus de inscrição de $ 200 depois de gastar $ 500 nos primeiros três meses. Além de recompensas em dinheiro de volta em viagens, restaurantes, farmácias e compras diárias com recompensas que nunca expiram. Tudo sem anuidade!
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
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O Chase Freedom Flex℠ é o nosso cartão de crédito em dinheiro de volta favorito para bônus trimestrais. Você ganhará 5% em dinheiro de volta em até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas em categorias de bônus cada trimestre que você ativar. Isso dá até US$ 300 em dinheiro de volta por ano apenas com gastos de categoria de bônus. Além disso, todas as outras compras receberão automaticamente 1% de reembolso . Além disso, não tem taxa anual.
Para outubro a dezembro de 2022, as categorias de bônus rotativos de 5% são compras feitas na e carteiras digitais.
Para novos membros do cartão, há também um bônus de $200 depois de gastar $ 500 em compras nos primeiros três meses da abertura da conta.
Assumindo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 enquanto maximiza as categorias de bônus rotativos, veja como pode ser seu primeiro ano:
Veja os detalhes do cartão/inscreva-se ou leia nossa análise completa do Chase Freedom Flex℠.
Uma das maiores vantagens do Discover it® Cash Back cartão é um bônus de reembolso MASSIVO após um ano de associação. Descobrir corresponde ao total de reembolso recebido dos novos titulares de cartão no final do primeiro ano. Então, se você ganhar $ 600 em cashback durante seu primeiro ano, o Discover irá igualar e você receberá $ 1.200. Isso é dinheiro grátis.
Você também terá uma excelente taxa de ganhos — 5% de reembolso em categorias selecionadas , que vale até US$ 75 por trimestre (US$ 1.500 de gasto máximo) quando você o ativa. Você só precisa acompanhar quais categorias estão chegando para conseguir esses 5%. Você receberá 1% de reembolso em todas as outras compras . E para tornar as coisas ainda melhores, o Discover it® Cash Back NÃO tem uma taxa anual.
De outubro a dezembro de 2022, as categorias rotativas de reembolso de 5% (em até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas) para o Discover it® Cash Back são compras feitas na e em carteiras digitais.
Assumindo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 enquanto maximiza as categorias de bônus rotativos, veja como pode ser seu primeiro ano:
Veja os detalhes do cartão/inscreva-se ou leia nossa análise completa do Discover it® Cash Back.
Inscreva-se agora No site Citi Secure
O cartão Citi Custom Cash℠ rende US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta após você gastar US$ 750 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses de abertura da conta. Esta oferta de bônus será cumprida como 20.000 pontos ThankYou®, que podem ser resgatados por US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta e este cartão também inclui uma excelente oportunidade de APR inicial de 0%.
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
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O Citi Custom Cash℠ Card é um cartão de transferência de saldo atraente com uma abordagem única de reembolso. Para começar, você não terá que pagar uma taxa anual e, em termos de TAEG inicial, o cartão oferece 0% por 15 meses em compras e 0% por 15 meses em transferências de saldo (a taxa contínua de 16,24% - 26,24% (Variável) aplica-se depois). A taxa de transferência de saldo é um pouco alta (5%), mas as recompensas podem mais do que compensar isso.
Para começar, você receberá $ 200 apenas por gastar $ 750 nos primeiros três meses de abertura da conta, além de 1% de reembolso ilimitado em todas as compras. Mas a parte do cartão é que, a cada ciclo de cobrança, você ganha 5% em dinheiro de volta em qualquer categoria em que gastou mais nos últimos 30 dias (viagens, compras, etc.).
Considerando tudo, o Citi Custom Cash℠ Card é uma excelente opção para quem quer pagar dívidas antigas de cartão de crédito, evite novos dívida, e fazer um pacote de dinheiro de volta ao fazê-lo.
Supondo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 com uma tentativa deliberada de gastar US$ 500 em uma única categoria a cada mês para recompensas máximas, veja como seria seu primeiro ano:
$ 680 de volta no seu bolso não é nada ruim quando você considera a taxa anual de $ 0 do cartão e todo o interesse que você economizará com a TAEG de introdução de 0%.
Ver detalhes do cartão/candidatar-se ou leia nossa análise completa do cartão Citi Custom Cash℠.
Inscreva-se agora No site seguro
O Chase Freedom Unlimited® abre com uma excelente oferta de introdução; ganhe um reembolso adicional de 1,5% em tudo que você comprar (em até $ 20.000 gastos no primeiro ano) – no valor de até $ 300 em dinheiro de volta! Aderir a uma TAEG de introdução de 0% por 15 meses em compras e transferências de saldo (padrão 17,24% - 25,99% APR variável) adiciona a isso um forte programa de recompensas diárias e é uma ótima opção para quem deseja economizar muito dinheiro em compras diárias .
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
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The Chase Freedom Unlimited® is an amazing no annual fee credit card. You’ll enjoy long-term cash back, including 5% cash back on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3% on dining and drugstores, and an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases. Meaning, you need not bother with rotating categories or spending in certain places at certain times of the year. Your cash back rewards do not expire if your account is open, and there is no minimum to redeem for cash back.
You’ll also get a 0% Intro APR on Purchases for 15 months and balance transfers, and a $200 cash back bonus after you spend $500 on purchases in your first three months from account opening. To top it off, you’ll get extra perks like Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty Protection, to name just a couple.
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend (including $500 on groceries and $100 on restaurant/dining and drugstore purchases), you’ll meet the spend bonus. Here’s what your first year could look like:
See card details/apply or read our full Chase Freedom Unlimited® review.
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The Ink Business Cash® Credit Card is an excellent card for any small business. From a big up front bonus to an all-around excellent rewards program, cardholders can cash in on rewards without the worry of an annual fee.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850
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The Ink Business Cash® Credit Card is a great choice when it comes to cash rewards on business expenses. Cardholders earn an impressive 5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases on business expenses including office supplies, phone, cable, and internet. If you spend a lot in these areas, your cash back will add up fast. This card also features 2% cash back (also on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases) for gas and dining, and 1% cash back on all other purchases.
In addition to the cash back rewards, the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card features a bonus offer of $750 in cash back when you spend $7,500 in the first three months. With no annual fee and competitive rates, this card is a clear winner for businesses with high office supply spending.
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend with $1,000 going to the 5% category, $500 going to the 2% category, and $500 going toward all other purchases, here’s what the first year could look like:
If you frontload your expenses in the first three months in order to earn the welcome bonus, you could be looking at up to $1,530 in rewards for your first year.
See card details/apply.
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If you don’t have the excellent credit needed to score some of the bonuses other Capital One credit cards offer, consider the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card. It’s a terrific card for average credit and you can still earn 1.5% cash back on all purchases with a modest $39 annual fee.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850
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The Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is our top pick for credit-building cash back rewards credit cards. It’s aimed at people with average credit looking for unlimited cash back and decent rates. You’ll earn an unlimited 1.5% on all purchases, with no restrictions. This kind of earn-rate is not super-common with credit-building cards. It also features a low annual fee of $39.
If you’re traveling, you can get perks such as auto rental insurance waiver, travel accident insurance up to $100,000 for accidental loss of life, speech, hearing, limb, or sight when riding on common carriers, and 24/7 roadside assistance. Overall, this card offers a TON of value for being one designed to help you rebuild your credit.
Disclaimer – The information about the Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card has been collected independently by The card details have not been reviewed or approved by the card issuer.
The Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card has a generous cash rewards program and is our favorite cash back rewards credit card for dining out and grocery stores. You’ll earn 4% unlimited cash back on both dining and entertainment. Plus, you’ll get 3% cash back at grocery stores , and 1% cash back on everything else automatically . Because of this rewards structure, you’re able to earn substantial cash back on food purchases.
But the benefits don’t end there. First off, Capital One loosely categorizes entertainment, so you can get 4% back on things like zoos, concerts, tourist attractions, pool halls, and movies under that category – making it a perfect date night card. You’ll also get a $300 cash bonus after you spend $3,000 in purchases within the first three months of opening the account – which is like a 10% return on your “investment.”
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend with $500 going to dining and entertainment, $500 going to groceries, and the rest going to other purchases, PLUS a one-time concert ticket purchase through Vivid Seats for $800, here’s what your first year could look like:
See card details/apply or read our full Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card review.
*This card is no longer available.
For those with poor credit, we found the Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit to be the best option for a cash back rewards. For purchases, you’ll earn 1% cash back rewards on eligible gas, grocery purchases, and communication services like mobile phone, internet, cable and satellite TV services, terms apply. For a credit-builder card that has no security deposit, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better rewards package.
It has some nice perks for those who want a cash back rewards card with no security deposit and additional features – and this one includes things like mobile banking, travel and auto rental insurance, and NFC payments, as an example. We also found this card best for people with poor credit that need emergency funds for things like a minor car repair or money to pay utility bills.
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend (and remember that your 1% cash back will only go toward things like gas, groceries, and payments for phone, Internet, cable, and TV services) here’s how the first year could look for cash back:
See card details/apply or read our full Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit review.
⁺Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for.
Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit.
*5% cash back categories have a $1,500 max spend and require quarterly activation
With so many terrific options, you might be wondering how we narrowed down the list to find the top cash back credit cards. To be fair, plenty of good options didn’t make our list. The cards we presented above are our favorites because they score highly on the most important features people should be looking for in a cash back card.
This includes things like a high sign-up bonus, low annual fees, easy rewards redemption and earning policy, and favorable terms for their other fees. We factored in the most important features of a cash back card and compared the contenders until we found the cream of the crop.
Cash back credit cards give cardholders the freedom to use their rewards in how best suits their needs. By offering cash instead of points, members can cover important expenses, pay for their favorite activities, or grow their savings easily. While not every card delivers the same benefits or meets the same needs, there are excellent choices available for any consumer.
Regardless of credit score, you can use one of these cash back cards to rebuild credit scores, cover small business expenses, or even take advantage of the great perks of a top-tier club while still receiving cash back for every dollar spent. Finally, the top cash back credit cards have interest rates higher than credit cards that don’t pay rewards.
Remember this if you don’t pay your balance off in full every month. You may be wise to forgo a cash back credit and instead get a credit card that may not offer rewards but has a lower regular APR.
While every credit card comes with some benefit or another, there are features that make some cards more valuable than their competitors. Here are the most significant features to look for in a cash back credit card:
How much interest you pay on your credit card is a big deal. It is one of the most important factors to consider when comparing credit cards. A high interest rate could offset any cash back rewards you earned during the month and even send you into debt due to unmanageable accrued interest charges. Fortunately, many cards have phenomenal introductory APRs and competitive rates once the initial offer runs out.
That can be a tremendous savings.
At Money Under 30 we always recommend you make sure you’re able to pay off your credit card balance in full and on time to avoid ever paying your APR.
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The Chase Freedom Flex℠ has no annual fee and still has great cash back rewards (which is why it is one of our top picks).
This feature might be significant to you depending on your credit score. If you have a reasonable score, then a high credit score requirement won’t phase you. But plenty of people suffer from poor credit scores and will be excluded from offers that demand a higher bracket. Fortunately, cards like the Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit cater to even very poor credit, with a score requirement of only 350 making it accessible to almost anyone.
Rewards points are only as good as the ease with which they can be used. If you have to jump through hoops to redeem your points, this won’t make a good bonus. We graded credit cards on how easily their points system could be used.
This includes how long points remain valid before they expire, where points can be redeemed, whether or not a login was required to redeem the points, how many points could be accrued, and whether or not there was a minimum point grade before redemption kicked in.
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How you earn points is also a heavy determining factor as to whether a card is worth the effort. Do you receive cash back points every time you make a purchase or are there select locations that award points? Are there different categories that reward higher or lower point values for purchases, or is this a flat-rate cash back card? What is the points structure?
A good cash back structure will reward you amply for your purchases and not make vague promises cloaked in legal jargon designed to swindle you out of your earned points. The Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good example. This card has NO rotating categories (meaning all categories earn you the same 1.5% rewards), and you get the cash back on every purchase, every day, with no limit.
The sign up bonus can sometimes be the most lucrative part of a credit card.
Many cash back cards offer juicy sign up bonuses as a way of welcoming their new clients, such as the Chase Freedom® which provides an easy way to snag $200. You have only to spend $500 in the first three months and you’ll earn a $200 cash rewards bonus.
This is one of the most insidious fees that really trips people up simply because they don’t know about it or aren’t aware of how quickly it adds up.
Take the following example:
Assume you sign up for a credit card on which you are charged a 3% foreign transaction fee for every foreign transaction. If you go on vacation to Prague, every gift, meal, or attraction you pay for with that card will receive that 3% fee.
That quickly adds up, as the average cost for a vacation per person per night could run from $200-$600. At that rate, a two-week vacation could cost you close to $300 or more, and that doesn’t even account for souvenirs and additional expenses.
A foreign transaction fee can also catch people off-guard when shopping online. Remember, if you are surfing a website run in a different jurisdiction or uses a foreign currency, you will be charged this same fee. Online shoppers beware.
With such astronomical fees, any cash back rewards you would earn from these purchases are nullified. A low or no foreign transaction fee card is the only way to go.
What other perks come with this card? Can you get invitations to VIP events, insurance for travel plans, airfare, or purchases, roadside assistance, free nights at hotels, birthday, and anniversary gifts? These and more benefits can be gleaned by using the right credit cards at the right time.
How you earn rewards depends on the credit card company’s policy. Though, cardholders earn rewards every time they use their cards to make a purchase from one of the specified categories. This can include gas stations, wholesale clubs, grocery stores, restaurants, online partners, hotels, airlines, and more. If no categories are specified, then any purchase will earn you rewards.
How many points can be earned depends on the program you are signed up with. Some cards have no caps, while others will cap you monthly, quarterly, or annually. To see what your points caps are, visit the credit card of choice’s details page here.
Points are easily redeemed in one of two ways (depending on the rewards program you have):
From your account center, you can view a list of online redemption options for you to choose from. Redemption options include donations, gift cards, Amazon rewards, apply part of the points to your credit card bill’s balance, or deposit the amount directly into your bank account. You can also set up your account so you can automatically transfer points to your savings or checking account as they accrue.
For example, the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card lets you make a cash back request anytime you want.
Once again, this depends on the credit card in question. All of our leading cash back credit cards have a no expiration policy, however. This applies for as long as you have an active account with that credit card.
Cash back rewards cards are the most lucrative and exciting cards available today. Use our helpful comparison tool to compare the different options available to you, and earn more whenever you make a purchase from now on.
Not sure you want a cash back credit card? Finding the right credit card for you is much simpler if you know your credit score, and can narrow your search to only the cards you know you’ll get approved for. We’ve made it easy for you. If you don’t already know your score, use our quick and free Credit Score Estimator tool – then find the perfect card for you!
Ninguém diria não a um pouco de dinheiro extra para gastar, que é uma das razões pelas quais os cartões de crédito com reembolso são tão populares.
Oferecendo aos consumidores pontos de reembolso ou benefícios em compras específicas, os cartões de reembolso são frequentemente o primeiro cartão a sair da carteira quando a conta chega. Esses cartões são ainda mais atraentes porque oferecem aos titulares de cartões recompensas em dinheiro de volta sobre o dinheiro que estão gastando de qualquer maneira. Então, você está recebendo bônus grátis toda vez que desliza o dedo.
Muito bom para ser verdade? Na verdade, existem tantos cartões de crédito que oferecem recompensas em dinheiro que você pode aproveitar.
Fizemos a pesquisa para você; aqui estão os cinco principais cartões de crédito com reembolso no mercado no momento, com base em métricas como APR, taxas anuais, crédito necessário, estrutura de recompensas, bônus de inscrição e muito mais.
Visão geral:melhores cartões de crédito com reembolso
Cartão de crédito | Melhor para |
Chase Freedom Flex℠ | Categorias de bônus trimestrais |
Descobrir® Cashback | Correspondência de reembolso |
Citi Custom Cash℠ Card | Transferências de saldo |
Chase Freedom Unlimited® | Sem taxa anual |
Cartão de crédito Ink Business Cash® | Pequenas empresas |
Cartão de crédito Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards | Criação de crédito |
Cartão de crédito Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards | Refeições e compras |
Melhor para categorias de bônus trimestrais
Chase Freedom Flex℠

Em poucas palavras
O Chase Freedom Flex SM oferece um atraente bônus de inscrição de $ 200 depois de gastar $ 500 nos primeiros três meses. Além de recompensas em dinheiro de volta em viagens, restaurantes, farmácias e compras diárias com recompensas que nunca expiram. Tudo sem anuidade!
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
Do que gostamos:
Incrível bônus em dinheiro de $ 200 depois de gastar $ 500 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses da abertura da conta.
Ganhe 5% em dinheiro de volta em viagens reservadas pelo Chase Ultimate Rewards® e até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas em categorias de bônus a cada trimestre que você ativar. Aproveite novas categorias de 5% a cada trimestre e ganhe 1% em todas as outras compras.
0% Intro APR em compras e transferências de saldo por 15 meses a partir da abertura de conta em compras, depois uma TAEG variável de 17,24% - 25,99%.
- Ganhe um bônus de US$ 200 depois de gastar US$ 500 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses após a abertura da conta.
- 5% em dinheiro de volta em até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas em categorias de bônus a cada trimestre que você ativar. Aproveite novas categorias de 5% a cada trimestre!
- 5% de reembolso em viagens compradas por meio do Chase Ultimate Rewards®, nosso programa de recompensas principal que permite resgatar recompensas em dinheiro de volta, viagens, cartões-presente e muito mais
- 3% de reembolso em compras em farmácias e refeições em restaurantes, incluindo serviço de entrega e entrega qualificada, e reembolso ilimitado de 1% em todas as outras compras.
- Sem valor mínimo para resgatar dinheiro de volta. Você pode optar por receber um crédito de extrato ou depósito direto na maioria das contas correntes e de poupança dos EUA. As recompensas de reembolso não expiram enquanto sua conta estiver aberta!
- APR inicial de 0% por 15 meses a partir da abertura da conta em compras e transferências de saldo, depois uma APR variável de 17,24% a 25,99%.
- Sem taxa anual - Você não terá que pagar uma taxa anual por todos os ótimos recursos que vêm com seu cartão Freedom FlexSM
- Mantenha o controle sobre sua saúde de crédito - o Chase Credit Journey ajuda você a monitorar seu crédito com acesso gratuito à sua pontuação mais recente, alertas em tempo real e muito mais.
Inscreva-se agora>>
O Chase Freedom Flex℠ é o nosso cartão de crédito em dinheiro de volta favorito para bônus trimestrais. Você ganhará 5% em dinheiro de volta em até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas em categorias de bônus cada trimestre que você ativar. Isso dá até US$ 300 em dinheiro de volta por ano apenas com gastos de categoria de bônus. Além disso, todas as outras compras receberão automaticamente 1% de reembolso . Além disso, não tem taxa anual.
Para outubro a dezembro de 2022, as categorias de bônus rotativos de 5% são compras feitas na e carteiras digitais.
Para novos membros do cartão, há também um bônus de $200 depois de gastar $ 500 em compras nos primeiros três meses da abertura da conta.
Quanto posso ganhar?
Assumindo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 enquanto maximiza as categorias de bônus rotativos, veja como pode ser seu primeiro ano:
- Total de gastos em 12 meses:US$ 24.000
- Reembolso da categoria rotativa ganho:US$ 300
- Reembolso ganho com bônus de inscrição:US$ 200
- Todos os outros reembolsos ganhos:US$ 180
- Total de reembolso recebido no primeiro ano: US$ 680
Veja os detalhes do cartão/inscreva-se ou leia nossa análise completa do Chase Freedom Flex℠.
Melhor para correspondência de reembolso
Descobrir o dinheiro de volta
Uma das maiores vantagens do Discover it® Cash Back cartão é um bônus de reembolso MASSIVO após um ano de associação. Descobrir corresponde ao total de reembolso recebido dos novos titulares de cartão no final do primeiro ano. Então, se você ganhar $ 600 em cashback durante seu primeiro ano, o Discover irá igualar e você receberá $ 1.200. Isso é dinheiro grátis.
Você também terá uma excelente taxa de ganhos — 5% de reembolso em categorias selecionadas , que vale até US$ 75 por trimestre (US$ 1.500 de gasto máximo) quando você o ativa. Você só precisa acompanhar quais categorias estão chegando para conseguir esses 5%. Você receberá 1% de reembolso em todas as outras compras . E para tornar as coisas ainda melhores, o Discover it® Cash Back NÃO tem uma taxa anual.
De outubro a dezembro de 2022, as categorias rotativas de reembolso de 5% (em até US$ 1.500 em compras combinadas) para o Discover it® Cash Back são compras feitas na e em carteiras digitais.
Quanto você pode ganhar?
Assumindo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 enquanto maximiza as categorias de bônus rotativos, veja como pode ser seu primeiro ano:
- Total de gastos em 12 meses:US$ 24.000
- Reembolso da categoria rotativa ganho:US$ 300
- Todos os outros reembolsos ganhos:US$ 180
- Total de reembolso ganho:US$ 480
- Descubra a correspondência de reembolso recebida:US$ 480
- Total de reembolso ganho (após a partida) no primeiro ano: US$ 960
Veja os detalhes do cartão/inscreva-se ou leia nossa análise completa do Discover it® Cash Back.
Melhor para transferências de saldo
Cartão Citi Custom Cash℠

Em poucas palavras
O cartão Citi Custom Cash℠ rende US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta após você gastar US$ 750 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses de abertura da conta. Esta oferta de bônus será cumprida como 20.000 pontos ThankYou®, que podem ser resgatados por US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta e este cartão também inclui uma excelente oportunidade de APR inicial de 0%.
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
Do que gostamos:
0% em APR por 15 meses em compras e transferências de saldo (APR normal é 16,24% - 26,24% variável)
Ganhe $ 200 em dinheiro de volta depois de gastar $ 750 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses de abertura da conta. Esta oferta de bônus será cumprida como 20.000 pontos ThankYou®, que podem ser resgatados por US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta
Sem anuidade
- Ganhe US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta depois de gastar US$ 750 em compras nos primeiros 3 meses de abertura da conta. Esta oferta de bônus será cumprida como 20.000 pontos ThankYou®, que podem ser resgatados por US$ 200 em dinheiro de volta.
- 0% Intro APR em transferências e compras de saldo por 15 meses. Depois disso, a APR variável será de 16,24% a 26,24%, com base na sua credibilidade.
- Ganhe 5% em dinheiro de volta em compras na sua categoria de gastos mais qualificada a cada ciclo de faturamento, até os primeiros US$ 500 gastos, 1% em dinheiro de volta depois disso. Além disso, ganhe 1% de reembolso ilimitado em todas as outras compras.
- Não há categorias de bônus rotativas para se inscrever. À medida que seus gastos mudam a cada ciclo de faturamento, seus ganhos são ajustados automaticamente quando você gasta em qualquer uma das categorias qualificadas.
- Sem taxa anual
- O Citi emitirá apenas uma conta Citi Custom Cash℠ Card por pessoa.
Inscreva-se agora>>
O Citi Custom Cash℠ Card é um cartão de transferência de saldo atraente com uma abordagem única de reembolso. Para começar, você não terá que pagar uma taxa anual e, em termos de TAEG inicial, o cartão oferece 0% por 15 meses em compras e 0% por 15 meses em transferências de saldo (a taxa contínua de 16,24% - 26,24% (Variável) aplica-se depois). A taxa de transferência de saldo é um pouco alta (5%), mas as recompensas podem mais do que compensar isso.
Para começar, você receberá $ 200 apenas por gastar $ 750 nos primeiros três meses de abertura da conta, além de 1% de reembolso ilimitado em todas as compras. Mas a parte do cartão é que, a cada ciclo de cobrança, você ganha 5% em dinheiro de volta em qualquer categoria em que gastou mais nos últimos 30 dias (viagens, compras, etc.).
Considerando tudo, o Citi Custom Cash℠ Card é uma excelente opção para quem quer pagar dívidas antigas de cartão de crédito, evite novos dívida, e fazer um pacote de dinheiro de volta ao fazê-lo.
Quanto você pode ganhar?
Supondo um gasto mensal de US$ 2.000 com uma tentativa deliberada de gastar US$ 500 em uma única categoria a cada mês para recompensas máximas, veja como seria seu primeiro ano:
- Total de gastos em 12 meses:US$ 24.000
- Bônus de boas-vindas por gastar US$ 750 em três meses após a abertura da conta:US$ 200
- Dinheiro de volta ganho em 5%, principais categorias de gastos:US$ 300
- Dinheiro de volta ganho em 1% ilimitado:$ 180
- Total de reembolso recebido no primeiro ano: US$ 680
$ 680 de volta no seu bolso não é nada ruim quando você considera a taxa anual de $ 0 do cartão e todo o interesse que você economizará com a TAEG de introdução de 0%.
Ver detalhes do cartão/candidatar-se ou leia nossa análise completa do cartão Citi Custom Cash℠.
Melhor sem taxa anual
Chase Freedom Unlimited®

Em poucas palavras
O Chase Freedom Unlimited® abre com uma excelente oferta de introdução; ganhe um reembolso adicional de 1,5% em tudo que você comprar (em até $ 20.000 gastos no primeiro ano) – no valor de até $ 300 em dinheiro de volta! Aderir a uma TAEG de introdução de 0% por 15 meses em compras e transferências de saldo (padrão 17,24% - 25,99% APR variável) adiciona a isso um forte programa de recompensas diárias e é uma ótima opção para quem deseja economizar muito dinheiro em compras diárias .
Leia a revisão Requisitos de pontuação de crédito:Os requisitos de pontuação de crédito são baseados na própria pesquisa de taxas de aprovação da Money Under 30; atingir a pontuação mínima lhe dará a melhor chance de ser aprovado para o cartão de crédito de sua escolha. Se você não souber sua pontuação de crédito, use nossa ferramenta gratuita de estimativa de pontuação de crédito para ter uma ideia melhor de quais cartões você se qualifica. *Money Under 30 usa uma pontuação FICO 8, que é um dos muitos tipos diferentes de pontuação de crédito. *Um credor pode usar uma pontuação diferente ao decidir se aprova seu crédito. Ruim 500-599 Razoável 600-699 Bom 700-749 Excelente 750-850
Do que gostamos:
Oferta de introdução:Ganhe um reembolso adicional de 1,5% em tudo o que você comprar (até US$ 20.000 no primeiro ano) – no valor de até US$ 300 em dinheiro de volta!
Reembolso ilimitado de 1,5% em todas as outras compras.
0% intro APR em compras e transferências de saldo por 15 meses; então uma TAEG variável de 17,24% - 25,99%.
- Oferta de introdução:ganhe um reembolso adicional de 1,5% em tudo o que você comprar (em até US$ 20.000 gastos no primeiro ano) - no valor de até US$ 300 em dinheiro de volta!
- Desfrute de 6,5% em dinheiro de volta em viagens compradas através do Chase Ultimate Rewards®, nosso programa de recompensas premier que permite resgatar recompensas por dinheiro de volta, viagens, cartões-presente e muito mais; 4,5% em dinheiro de volta em compras em farmácias e refeições em restaurantes, incluindo serviço de entrega e entrega qualificada, e 3% em todas as outras compras (em até US$ 20.000 gastos no primeiro ano).
- Após seu primeiro ano ou US$ 20.000 gastos, aproveite 5% de reembolso em viagens do Chase compradas através do Ultimate Rewards®, 3% de reembolso em compras em farmácias e refeições em restaurantes, incluindo serviço de entrega e entrega qualificada, e reembolso ilimitado de 1,5% em todas as outras compras.
- No minimum to redeem for cash back. You can choose to receive a statement credit or direct deposit into most U.S. checking and savings accounts. Cash Back rewards do not expire as long as your account is open!
- Enjoy 0% Intro APR for 15 months from account opening on purchases and balance transfers, then a variable APR of 17.24% - 25.99%.
- No annual fee – You won’t have to pay an annual fee for all the great features that come with your Freedom Unlimited® card
- Keep tabs on your credit health, Chase Credit Journey helps you monitor your credit with free access to your latest score, real-time alerts, and more.
Apply Now>>
The Chase Freedom Unlimited® is an amazing no annual fee credit card. You’ll enjoy long-term cash back, including 5% cash back on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3% on dining and drugstores, and an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases. Meaning, you need not bother with rotating categories or spending in certain places at certain times of the year. Your cash back rewards do not expire if your account is open, and there is no minimum to redeem for cash back.
You’ll also get a 0% Intro APR on Purchases for 15 months and balance transfers, and a $200 cash back bonus after you spend $500 on purchases in your first three months from account opening. To top it off, you’ll get extra perks like Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty Protection, to name just a couple.
How much can you earn?
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend (including $500 on groceries and $100 on restaurant/dining and drugstore purchases), you’ll meet the spend bonus. Here’s what your first year could look like:
- Total spend over 12 months:$24,000
- Cash back earned from spend bonus:$200
- Cash back earned on groceries:$75
- Cash back on restaurant/dining and drugstore purchases:$36
- Cash back earned on all other purchases at 1.5%:$252
- Total cash back earned in the first year:$563
See card details/apply or read our full Chase Freedom Unlimited® review.
Best for small businesses
Ink Business Cash® Credit Card

In A Nutshell
The Ink Business Cash® Credit Card is an excellent card for any small business. From a big up front bonus to an all-around excellent rewards program, cardholders can cash in on rewards without the worry of an annual fee.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850
What We Like:
$750 cash back bonus after spending $7,500 in the first three months of card ownership
5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent on office supplies, internet, cable and phone service purchases each account anniversary year
0% intro APR for 12 months from account opening on purchases, then a variable APR of 15.49% – 21.49%.
- Earn $750 bonus cash back after you spend $7,500 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening
- Earn 5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at office supply stores and on internet, cable and phone services each account anniversary year
- Earn 2% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases at gas stations and restaurants each account anniversary year. Earn 1% cash back on all other purchases
- With Fraud Protection your card transactions will be monitored for possible signs of fraudulent activity using real-time fraud monitoring
- With Zero Liability you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your card or account information
- No Annual Fee
- Redeem rewards for cash back, gift cards, travel and more through Chase Ultimate Rewards®
- 0% introductory APR for 12 months on purchases
Apply Now>>
The Ink Business Cash® Credit Card is a great choice when it comes to cash rewards on business expenses. Cardholders earn an impressive 5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases on business expenses including office supplies, phone, cable, and internet. If you spend a lot in these areas, your cash back will add up fast. This card also features 2% cash back (also on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases) for gas and dining, and 1% cash back on all other purchases.
In addition to the cash back rewards, the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card features a bonus offer of $750 in cash back when you spend $7,500 in the first three months. With no annual fee and competitive rates, this card is a clear winner for businesses with high office supply spending.
How much can you earn?
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend with $1,000 going to the 5% category, $500 going to the 2% category, and $500 going toward all other purchases, here’s what the first year could look like:
- Total spend over 12 months:$24,000
- Cash back earned on 5% category:$600
- Cash back earned on 2% category:$120
- Cash back earned on all other purchases:$60
- Total cash back earned in the first year: $780
If you frontload your expenses in the first three months in order to earn the welcome bonus, you could be looking at up to $1,530 in rewards for your first year.
See card details/apply.
Best for credit building
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card

In A Nutshell
If you don’t have the excellent credit needed to score some of the bonuses other Capital One credit cards offer, consider the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card. It’s a terrific card for average credit and you can still earn 1.5% cash back on all purchases with a modest $39 annual fee.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850
What We Like:
1.5% cash back on all purchases.
Be automatically considered for a higher credit line in as little as six months.
No foreign transaction fees and a modest $39 annual fee.
Apply Now>>
The Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is our top pick for credit-building cash back rewards credit cards. It’s aimed at people with average credit looking for unlimited cash back and decent rates. You’ll earn an unlimited 1.5% on all purchases, with no restrictions. This kind of earn-rate is not super-common with credit-building cards. It also features a low annual fee of $39.
If you’re traveling, you can get perks such as auto rental insurance waiver, travel accident insurance up to $100,000 for accidental loss of life, speech, hearing, limb, or sight when riding on common carriers, and 24/7 roadside assistance. Overall, this card offers a TON of value for being one designed to help you rebuild your credit.
How much can you earn?
- Total spend over 12 months:$24,000
- Cash back earned on all purchases:$360
- Total cash back earned in the first year: $360
Best for dining out &grocery stores
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card
Disclaimer – The information about the Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card has been collected independently by The card details have not been reviewed or approved by the card issuer.
The Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card has a generous cash rewards program and is our favorite cash back rewards credit card for dining out and grocery stores. You’ll earn 4% unlimited cash back on both dining and entertainment. Plus, you’ll get 3% cash back at grocery stores , and 1% cash back on everything else automatically . Because of this rewards structure, you’re able to earn substantial cash back on food purchases.
But the benefits don’t end there. First off, Capital One loosely categorizes entertainment, so you can get 4% back on things like zoos, concerts, tourist attractions, pool halls, and movies under that category – making it a perfect date night card. You’ll also get a $300 cash bonus after you spend $3,000 in purchases within the first three months of opening the account – which is like a 10% return on your “investment.”
How much can you earn?
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend with $500 going to dining and entertainment, $500 going to groceries, and the rest going to other purchases, PLUS a one-time concert ticket purchase through Vivid Seats for $800, here’s what your first year could look like:
- Total spend over 12 months:$24,800
- Sign-up bonus cash back earned:$300
- Cash back earned on dining &entertainment:$240
- Cash back earned on groceries:$120
- Cash back earned on everything else:$120
- Cash back earned on concert tickets:$64
- Total cash back earned in the first year: $844
See card details/apply or read our full Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card review.
*This card is no longer available.
For those with poor credit, we found the Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit to be the best option for a cash back rewards. For purchases, you’ll earn 1% cash back rewards on eligible gas, grocery purchases, and communication services like mobile phone, internet, cable and satellite TV services, terms apply. For a credit-builder card that has no security deposit, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better rewards package.
It has some nice perks for those who want a cash back rewards card with no security deposit and additional features – and this one includes things like mobile banking, travel and auto rental insurance, and NFC payments, as an example. We also found this card best for people with poor credit that need emergency funds for things like a minor car repair or money to pay utility bills.
How much can you earn?
Assuming a $2,000 monthly spend (and remember that your 1% cash back will only go toward things like gas, groceries, and payments for phone, Internet, cable, and TV services) here’s how the first year could look for cash back:
- Total spend over 12 months:$24,000
- Total cash back earned on qualifying categories:$120
- Total cash back earned in the first year: $120
See card details/apply or read our full Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit review.
Best for cash back booster
Summary of the best cash back credit cards
Credit Card | Credit Needed⁺ | Cash Rewards | Unique Features |
Chase Freedom Flex℠ | 700 | 5% on travel purchased through Chase, 3% on dining at restaurants and drugstores, and 1% on all other purchases | $200 cash back bonus after spending $500 on purchases in the first three months from account opening |
Discover it® Cash Back | 700 | 1-5% cashback* | 5% cashback on rotating categories* |
Citi Custom Cash℠ Card | 700+ | 5% cash back on purchases in your top eligible spend category each billing cycle (up to the first $500 spent); 1% cash back on all other purchases | $200 bonus when you spend $750 within the first three months of account opening |
Chase Freedom Unlimited® | 700 | Unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases. | $200 cash bonus after spending $500 in the first three months |
Ink Business Cash® Credit Card | 700 | 5% cash back on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases on office supplies, phone, cable, and internet; 2% cash back (also on the first $25,000 spent in combined purchases) for gas and dining, 1% cash back on all other purchases | $750 cash back bonus after you spend $7,500 in the first three months |
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card | 600 | 1.5% | Great card for building credit with solid cashback program |
Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card | 700+ | 1% standard, 3% grocery stores, 4% dining &entertainment | Best cash rewards program for dining |
⁺Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for.
Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit.
*5% cash back categories have a $1,500 max spend and require quarterly activation
How we came up with our list of the top cash back credit cards
With so many terrific options, you might be wondering how we narrowed down the list to find the top cash back credit cards. To be fair, plenty of good options didn’t make our list. The cards we presented above are our favorites because they score highly on the most important features people should be looking for in a cash back card.
This includes things like a high sign-up bonus, low annual fees, easy rewards redemption and earning policy, and favorable terms for their other fees. We factored in the most important features of a cash back card and compared the contenders until we found the cream of the crop.
Why you should get a cash back credit card
Cash back credit cards give cardholders the freedom to use their rewards in how best suits their needs. By offering cash instead of points, members can cover important expenses, pay for their favorite activities, or grow their savings easily. While not every card delivers the same benefits or meets the same needs, there are excellent choices available for any consumer.
Regardless of credit score, you can use one of these cash back cards to rebuild credit scores, cover small business expenses, or even take advantage of the great perks of a top-tier club while still receiving cash back for every dollar spent. Finally, the top cash back credit cards have interest rates higher than credit cards that don’t pay rewards.
Remember this if you don’t pay your balance off in full every month. You may be wise to forgo a cash back credit and instead get a credit card that may not offer rewards but has a lower regular APR.
Most important features of cash back credit cards
While every credit card comes with some benefit or another, there are features that make some cards more valuable than their competitors. Here are the most significant features to look for in a cash back credit card:
How much interest you pay on your credit card is a big deal. It is one of the most important factors to consider when comparing credit cards. A high interest rate could offset any cash back rewards you earned during the month and even send you into debt due to unmanageable accrued interest charges. Fortunately, many cards have phenomenal introductory APRs and competitive rates once the initial offer runs out.
That can be a tremendous savings.
At Money Under 30 we always recommend you make sure you’re able to pay off your credit card balance in full and on time to avoid ever paying your APR.
Annual fees

The Chase Freedom Flex℠ has no annual fee and still has great cash back rewards (which is why it is one of our top picks).
Credit score required
This feature might be significant to you depending on your credit score. If you have a reasonable score, then a high credit score requirement won’t phase you. But plenty of people suffer from poor credit scores and will be excluded from offers that demand a higher bracket. Fortunately, cards like the Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit cater to even very poor credit, with a score requirement of only 350 making it accessible to almost anyone.
Rewards points are only as good as the ease with which they can be used. If you have to jump through hoops to redeem your points, this won’t make a good bonus. We graded credit cards on how easily their points system could be used.
This includes how long points remain valid before they expire, where points can be redeemed, whether or not a login was required to redeem the points, how many points could be accrued, and whether or not there was a minimum point grade before redemption kicked in.
Cash back structure

How you earn points is also a heavy determining factor as to whether a card is worth the effort. Do you receive cash back points every time you make a purchase or are there select locations that award points? Are there different categories that reward higher or lower point values for purchases, or is this a flat-rate cash back card? What is the points structure?
A good cash back structure will reward you amply for your purchases and not make vague promises cloaked in legal jargon designed to swindle you out of your earned points. The Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good example. This card has NO rotating categories (meaning all categories earn you the same 1.5% rewards), and you get the cash back on every purchase, every day, with no limit.
Sign up bonus
The sign up bonus can sometimes be the most lucrative part of a credit card.
Many cash back cards offer juicy sign up bonuses as a way of welcoming their new clients, such as the Chase Freedom® which provides an easy way to snag $200. You have only to spend $500 in the first three months and you’ll earn a $200 cash rewards bonus.
Foreign transaction fees
This is one of the most insidious fees that really trips people up simply because they don’t know about it or aren’t aware of how quickly it adds up.
Take the following example:
Assume you sign up for a credit card on which you are charged a 3% foreign transaction fee for every foreign transaction. If you go on vacation to Prague, every gift, meal, or attraction you pay for with that card will receive that 3% fee.
That quickly adds up, as the average cost for a vacation per person per night could run from $200-$600. At that rate, a two-week vacation could cost you close to $300 or more, and that doesn’t even account for souvenirs and additional expenses.
A foreign transaction fee can also catch people off-guard when shopping online. Remember, if you are surfing a website run in a different jurisdiction or uses a foreign currency, you will be charged this same fee. Online shoppers beware.
With such astronomical fees, any cash back rewards you would earn from these purchases are nullified. A low or no foreign transaction fee card is the only way to go.
Additional benefits
What other perks come with this card? Can you get invitations to VIP events, insurance for travel plans, airfare, or purchases, roadside assistance, free nights at hotels, birthday, and anniversary gifts? These and more benefits can be gleaned by using the right credit cards at the right time.
FAQ on cash back credit cards
How do I earn cash back points?
How you earn rewards depends on the credit card company’s policy. Though, cardholders earn rewards every time they use their cards to make a purchase from one of the specified categories. This can include gas stations, wholesale clubs, grocery stores, restaurants, online partners, hotels, airlines, and more. If no categories are specified, then any purchase will earn you rewards.
How many points can I earn with my cash back rewards card?
How many points can be earned depends on the program you are signed up with. Some cards have no caps, while others will cap you monthly, quarterly, or annually. To see what your points caps are, visit the credit card of choice’s details page here.
How can I redeem my cash back rewards points?
Points are easily redeemed in one of two ways (depending on the rewards program you have):
Log onto your credit card account
From your account center, you can view a list of online redemption options for you to choose from. Redemption options include donations, gift cards, Amazon rewards, apply part of the points to your credit card bill’s balance, or deposit the amount directly into your bank account. You can also set up your account so you can automatically transfer points to your savings or checking account as they accrue.
Calling the credit card hotline and requesting cash back
For example, the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card lets you make a cash back request anytime you want.
Do cash back rewards expire after a certain amount of time?
Once again, this depends on the credit card in question. All of our leading cash back credit cards have a no expiration policy, however. This applies for as long as you have an active account with that credit card.
Cash back rewards cards are the most lucrative and exciting cards available today. Use our helpful comparison tool to compare the different options available to you, and earn more whenever you make a purchase from now on.
Not sure you want a cash back credit card? Finding the right credit card for you is much simpler if you know your credit score, and can narrow your search to only the cards you know you’ll get approved for. We’ve made it easy for you. If you don’t already know your score, use our quick and free Credit Score Estimator tool – then find the perfect card for you!
- Best credit cards for a credit score over 750
- Best credit cards for a credit score between 700 – 749
- Best credit cards for a credit score between 650 – 699
- Best credit cards for a credit score between 600 – 649
- Best credit cards for a credit score under 599
Leia mais:
- Compare All Of Money Under 30’s Recommended Rewards Credit Cards.
- How Do Cash Back Credit Cards Work?
Best Credit Cards 2021
- Rewards Credit Cards
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- Cash Back Credit Cards
- Credit Cards for International Travel
- Credit Cards Sign up Bonus Offers
- Credit Cards for Young Adults
- Low Minimum Spend
- Credit Cards for Building Credit
- Gas Credit Cards
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- Store Credit Cards
- Credit Cards for Grocery Store Purchases
- Prepaid Credit Cards
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- Os melhores cartões de crédito Discover
Os melhores cartões de crédito Chase
O Chase oferece uma variedade de cartões de crédito diferentes, que são ótimas opções para diferentes tipos de pessoas. Compare suas ofertas aqui e veja qual pode ser para você! O Chase oferece v...
Melhores cartões de crédito Capital One
A Capital One oferece uma das melhores seleções de cartões de crédito para bônus de inscrição, recompensas, 0% de APRs introdutórios, benefícios de viagem e crédito de reconstrução. Compare os mel...